Lutheran - St. Paul's Sydney Podcast

11th Sunday after Pentecost - The Bread that gives us Life

August 03, 2024 Pastor Richard Schwedes

This week in our Gospel reading, John 6:24-35 , we hear how Jesus is the true Bread of Life, come down from heaven.
We're all familiar with bread, whether fresh baked or days old and turning hard, but that's the bread of earth, kneaded together by human hands and destined to perish and return to the dust.
But Jesus, the true Bread of Life, sustains us both in this world and into our heavenly home, and in Him we have the food that endures to eternal life.
The bread we eat on earth feeds our bodies so we continue to grow and have energy throughout the day.
How do you see the growth in your soul and the vitality of hope that comes from your faith in Jesus?

Today's message was written and presented by Dr. Wendy Mayer.

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