Lutheran - St. Paul's Sydney Podcast
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Sydney, Australia.A regular podcast from Pastor Richard Schwedes and guests at St Paul's Sydney Lutheran Church, Australia. www.sydney.lutheran.org.au
311 episodes
1st. Sunday in Lent : Chocolate
This week's Gospel reading Luke 4:1-13 , tells us of Jesus' testing in the desert. Jesus was put to the test wit...

Transfiguration Sunday - Seeing the Light!
In this week’s Gospel Luke 9:28-43 we have Jesus shining with the full glory of God, in front of r...

7th. Sunday after Epiphany: Love My Enemy?
Dear friends- God calls us to be different! This week's Gospel reading outlines how. In today's world we are drawn by opposing forces- both to conform and be 'like' (or 'liked') by those around us, and to be 'individual' and stand out in the cr...

6th. Sunday after Epiphany: Sharing Jesus Love
This week God's Word blesses us with reassurance for those who trust in Him, and who use their lives to proclaim Him. It seems a pretty scary thing to do- opening our minds and hearts to others and sharing with them that Jesus is our everlastin...

5th. Sunday after Epiphany: God is calling Me!
This week's we focus on God calling us to be witnesses- through the story of the prophet Isaiah and that of Jesus calling ordinary fishermen to be 'fishers of all'. In both cases we see those called responding with alarm- "....but I am a sinner...

4th. Sunday after Epiphany: Love is the Greatest!
This week's Gospel Luke 4:21-30 reading is one you may have heard many times. It's often used during wedding cer...

3rd. Sunday after Epiphany: Jesus - The Word Fulfilled!
This week's Gospel, Luke 4:14-21, holds a very exciting note that we might easily miss! Imagine being in the synagogue when Jesus himself was teaching- what a moment, to be able to hear the words of Isaiah spoken by the Son of God himself! The ...

2nd. Sunday after Epiphany: Jesus makes the ordinary extraordinary!
This week's Gospel John 2:1-11 recounts the story of Jesus turning water into wine. Our sermon tells us this is the first 'sign' given by Jesus that 'reveals His glory'. Water at a wedding, in jars of clay- a pretty ordinary offering that...

1st. Sunday after Epiphany: Jesus Baptism, Our Story
This week Luke’s Gospel Luke 3:15-17, 21,22 brings us the story of Jesus’ baptism, and God’s gift of the Holy Spirit resting upon Jesus. The Epistle reading recalls the great blessing of the Holy Spirit bestowed on a group of new b...

2nd. Sunday after Christmas - For God so loved the World
In this week's readings we see very different examples of encountering Jesus. The Gospel, Matthew 2:1-12. tells of the Wise Men from the east, kneeling before a baby in a manger with their precious gifts of great value...

1st. Sunday after Christmas - Amazed by Jesus
'Children run joyfully- Jesus is born. Tell all the mountains to sing!' This is the beginning of a Christmas song I sang in primary school. This week's Gospel Luke 2:41-52 tells the story of the young Jesus in the temple sharing...

Christmas Day - Be Joyful, the King is here!
Christmas Day message was written and presented by Howard Osland of the Sydney Norweigan Lutheran Church.

Christmas Eve - Readings and Carols Service
Tonight's message for Christmas Eve was written by LCA and presented by Bridgette Wilshire.

4th Sunday in Advent - God's Promise Fulfilled!
Throughout Advent we draw closer to the fulfilment of God's promise to His people- that He will send a Saviour and Redeemer for all the world. Can you feel the excitement building? This week's Gospel Luke 1:39-55 ...

3rd. Sunday of Advent - God's Amazing Plan!
This week we hear about 'God's Amazing Plan' in our Nativity Service at St Paul's! Come and hear of 'God's Amazing Plan'- and look forward to the ways it will ripple through your own life. God bless you this week!The message was wr...

2nd. Sunday of Advent - Great Expectations
This week's Gospel message Luke 3:1-6 invites us to 'Prepare the way for the Lord!'. The people of Israel had great expectations about the coming King- he would rule in majesty and be a powerful ruler. They looked forward ...

1st. Sunday of Advent - He's Coming!
This week's Gospel reading Luke 21: 25-36 appears difficult; speaking openly of nations in anguish, terror and perplexity. The world around us often feels like this today. Considering the judgement each person will face wh...

Last Sunday of Church Year - The King of Truth
This week our Gospel reading John 18: 33-37 speaks about truth. These days truth seems like quite a slippery concept. We can easily become confused by conflicting stories we hear online and in our neighbourhoods. This make...

26st. Sunday after Pentecost - Rock Solid Hope
This week we welcome Bishop Richard Schwedes to St Paul's. Bishop Richard will be speaking on 'Rock Solid Hope', based on Mark 13: 1-8. These days the world seems full of change; it can be hard to know what we can depend on and what to keep hol...

25th. Sunday after Pentecost - "I will fulfil My Good Promise"
This week we are joined by Mark Simpfendorfer, who is sharing a message based on Jeremiah 29:4-14. This passage reminds us that God keeps his promises to those who love him. Promises are not always easy to keep, and the Bible shows us many ways...

24th. Sunday after Pentecost - The Children of God
This week's Gospel reading is very familiar, Matthew 5: 1-12. The 'Sermon on the Mount' assures us that we are truly blessed, even (and especially) when we struggle. It can be tempting, when coming to this text, to think we know...

23rd. Sunday after Pentecost - Faith: It's all you need.
This week we remember the Reformation, a time of upheaval, renewal and refreshment for the church. We thank God for the gift of Martin Luther, whose struggles helped birth the Lutheran Church. Today's Gospel reading, John 8:31-36 reminds...

22nd. Sunday after Pentecost - Celebrating God's Gift of Many Cultures
This week we celebrate God's gift of many nations within His Body. We are thankful for the chance to hear the Pentecost blessing as we worship God together.Christian life brings both challenges and joys as we navigate our culture and rest in Go...

21st. Sunday after Pentecost - Follow Me
In this week's Gospel reading Mark 10:17-31 Jesus' disciples recall how much they have left behind to follow Him. Jesus reassures them that no matter what they lose in this world, they will receive much more when they join Him in eternal life. ...

20th. Sunday after Pentecost - We are God's handiwork.
Bishop Paul's Synod message reflects on Ephesians 2:8-10. These verses remind us that we are God's handiwork, created to do good things for Him. Imagine the things you make with your own hands- crafts, furniture, a beautiful meal or a garden be...