Lutheran - St. Paul's Sydney Podcast
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Sydney, Australia.A regular podcast from Pastor Richard Schwedes and guests at St Paul's Sydney Lutheran Church, Australia. www.sydney.lutheran.org.au
Lutheran - St. Paul's Sydney Podcast
22nd. Sunday after Pentecost - Celebrating God's Gift of Many Cultures
Pastor Richard Schwedes
This week we celebrate God's gift of many nations within His Body. We are thankful for the chance to hear the Pentecost blessing as we worship God together.Christian life brings both challenges and joys as we navigate our culture and rest in God's Word. As we listen to many voices from our church family and hear the languages of their hearts, we grow in love and fellowship. May God bless you as you listen, watch and join in His love 'coming to life'!
Today's message was written and presented by Dr. Bruce Arnold.