Lutheran - St. Paul's Sydney Podcast
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Sydney, Australia.A regular podcast from Pastor Richard Schwedes and guests at St Paul's Sydney Lutheran Church, Australia. www.sydney.lutheran.org.au
Lutheran - St. Paul's Sydney Podcast
24th. Sunday after Pentecost - The Children of God
This week's Gospel reading is very familiar, Matthew 5: 1-12. The 'Sermon on the Mount' assures us that we are truly blessed, even (and especially) when we struggle. It can be tempting, when coming to this text, to think we know it all already- that something so familiar could have nothing new to say to us. We must remember our God is a God of creativity; his word is always fresh and he longs to speak deeply to our hearts each time we encounter him. Our Christian lives will require us to step into difficult places, or deal with things differently to the way the world around us expects. The Sermon on the Mount reminds us that the chance to speak up for Jesus will always bring blessings, even if it challenges our circumstances here on earth. We are already the children of God! What fresh message might he be speaking to you this week?
Today's message was presented by Daniel Valle from Celebrate Messiah .