Lutheran - St. Paul's Sydney Podcast
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Sydney, Australia.A regular podcast from Pastor Richard Schwedes and guests at St Paul's Sydney Lutheran Church, Australia. www.sydney.lutheran.org.au
Lutheran - St. Paul's Sydney Podcast
4th Sunday in Advent - God's Promise Fulfilled!
Throughout Advent we draw closer to the fulfilment of God's promise to His people- that He will send a Saviour and Redeemer for all the world. Can you feel the excitement building? This week's Gospel Luke 1:39-55 reading tells us about the baby in Elizabeth's womb 'leaping for joy' as Mary came to visit. Do you remember a time when a promise made you 'leap for joy'? Perhaps it was on your wedding day, or when Santa brought you the first toy on your Christmas list! God's promise is greater than any gift or blessed relationship we can have here on earth- in fact, God Himself is the source of all gifts, love, and blessed relationships. We should expect His promises to be GREAT! May you 'wait with joyful hope' for the coming of our Saviour and Redeemer this week- He is near!