Lutheran - St. Paul's Sydney Podcast
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Sydney, Australia.A regular podcast from Pastor Richard Schwedes and guests at St Paul's Sydney Lutheran Church, Australia. www.sydney.lutheran.org.au
Lutheran - St. Paul's Sydney Podcast
2nd. Sunday after Epiphany: Jesus makes the ordinary extraordinary!
This week's Gospel John 2:1-11 recounts the story of Jesus turning water into wine. Our sermon tells us this is the first 'sign' given by Jesus that 'reveals His glory'. Water at a wedding, in jars of clay- a pretty ordinary offering that Jesus made extraordinary in a great gift of compassion and love. We today may be at risk of missing signs of glory all around us, thinking that things are 'ordinary'. How 'ordinary' does every morning seem- as we get up again from our beds (perhaps missing the extraordinary gift of rest and refreshment given in God's peace), and note the sun coming in at the window (a sign from the heavens of the glory of God and His goodness in creation). Yet all around us are signs that point to the extraordinary glory of Jesus- what a blessing to experience His smile in the smile of a loved one, or His refreshment in the cool water of the ocean. May we be 'awake' this week to the signs all around us- that God is near, and of His great love for us.
The message from ALC was read by Bridgitte Willshire.